Have you ever wondered that your kids can learn something by playing video games? You would be overwhelmed to know that your child can learn to code and experience the fun of a video game simultaneously with Minecraft. It is a video game developed by Mojang Studios in November 2011. The marvel game won numerous awards and became the greatest and most influential video game of all time.
What makes this game so unique is its design and content. Players, unlike other games, get to design their own game by exploring and generating a 3D world by the procedure. Players have the liberty of discovering and extracting raw materials, crafting tools, and building earthworks or structures. Also, the game has different modes that enable the players to fight the computer-controlled mobs and live in their own created world. In survival mode, the gamers have to obtain resources to survive in their world. Players can alter different mechanisms to create new assets and items.
Let’s discover the five ways that kids can master coding while playing Minecraft.
1. Problem-solving
Coding is not everybody’s cup of tea. Sometimes, the coding for the program will not run even if there is a minor error. It requires an individual to go back to the code and check the factors contributing to the program’s failure. The gamer altars something or maybe starts all over with a different approach.
These systems develop a problem-solving ability in kids at a very initial phase of life. They learn the quality of handling failures and not giving up by identifying and solving the issues differently. The player is engaged and motivated throughout the game towards problem-solving for mastering each stage of the game and attaining desired goals. Also, kids can earn and collect extra coins using (https://prizehog.net/) and buy tools they require while gaming and be a better player.
2. Persistence And Precision
The game promotes perfection as it demands every line of coding at face value by programmers like HTML tags, capital letters, quotation marks, etc. Kids develop the habit of precision and persistence as they code even when playing the video game. The kids learn to be punctilious with the instructions, details, order, method, and punctuations in their subject tasks like assignments and tests. Kids tend to understand the importance of sequence in a procedure.
The willingness to make a better world to live in makes them persistent and hardworking to problem-solving despite facing an obstacle at every step. These qualities turn into a habit and benefit them at handling tasks like projects, assignments, etc. back at the school and their professional career.
3. Critical, Creative And Logical Thinking
The open-ended design of the game allows the gamer to think beyond their collective mindset to achieve a high level of satisfaction to live in their own created world. The crucial sequence of the coding and efficient use of available resources enables them to think critically, creatively, and logically in both programming and real life. They learn to alter components to attain the expected results.
The liberty of trial and error mechanisms in this interactive game promotes creativity by setting no limits on children’s imagination. The game allows them to choose and create their kind of world, resources, and people in the 3D grid of the game.
4. Social Engagement
As Minecraft doesn’t limit any imagination, the player can play solo, invite families through personal servers, and other members and friends can also join in their world for social engagement and entertainment. The player gets the constant motivation to create and achieve a better world in different modes.
Kids discover the dynamics of their environment after social involvement through teams of families and friends. They learn to work in groups for the attainment of goals in a creative way. Also, working in teams makes the kids ready to interact with friends, teachers, parents, etc. in a real-life environment.
5. Skill Development
Minecraft, most importantly, helps children to learn not-so-easy coding in a fun way. The kids can further explore opportunities in the coding systems and could land up to high paying internships and jobs.
Also, things learned at an earlier stage of life are always remembered by kids. Kids get to develop all the necessary skills and habits needed to live in the 21st century. They learn extraordinary problem-solving abilities required at their every stage of life. They are positively motivated and persistent towards the attainment of their goals.
The game allows kids to think critically and creatively through different areas, stages, and modes. The sequential importance of coding develops persistence and logical thinking by going back and forth for error correction.
I advise parents to include interactive games like Minecraft in the early phase of their kid by looking at such apparent reasons why this game gained so much popularity. We don’t need to force kids to acquire skills in traditional ways. Instead, let them choose their means to attain excellence. Learning should be fun as games!