Whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, or in your 60s, 70s, or beyond, there are a number of things you may pledge to do to “slow down” your biological clock and live longer. In fact, studies demonstrate that it’s never too late to start practicing healthful practices.
But what about the things you could give up in the name of extending your life?
Reduce Your Consumption of Processed Foods
The transition to more processed foods has been one of the most significant dietary trends in many nations during the last 30 years. Processed foods include more salt, saturated fat, sugar, and fiber than unprocessed foods. More cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes as a result.
Do your body a favor and eat “clean” more regularly, which includes meals high in fiber and other components you purchase and prepare yourself. If you’re short on time, make large amounts of food ahead of time or splurge on ready-made salads and other fresh or frozen veggies while keeping an eye on the salt and sugar levels.
Quit Smoking
If you’ve ever tried to stop smoking, you know how difficult it can be. But here’s some motivation: cigarette smoking is still the leading cause of mortality that may be avoided. According to some estimations, smoking can deprive you of a decade of your life.
Whether you quit cold turkey or gradually, your body is surprisingly forgiving; blood pressure and circulation improve quickly after you quit, and your risk of cancer lowers year after year.
Keep in mind that keeping tobacco-free will help your family members since they will no longer be exposed to harmful secondhand smoke. You’ll also appear younger.
Stop staring at your computer
If you don’t have time to exercise, consider the following: To live longer, you may not need to meet the worldwide minimum guidelines of 30 minutes per day, five or more times per week.
According to a 2011 research, 15 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day helped individuals live three years longer. Even for those with health concerns like cardiovascular disease—and for overweight persons who didn’t lose any weight via their activity—the findings stayed true.
One of the “moderate-intensity” workouts mentioned in the study was brisk walking. It may take some effort to incorporate it into your daily routine, but 15 minutes of exercise for an extra three years of life sounds like a good deal.
Maintain good hygiene
Maintaining hygiene is also a vital aspect of life. Washing your hands and brushing and flossing your teeth are good personal hygiene routines to keep germs, viruses, and diseases at bay. “To maintain teeth and gums healthy, excellent dental hygiene is required. It involves practices such as brushing twice a day and seeing the dentist on a regular basis”, according to a dentist in Mesa.
Let Go of Your Anger
Anger is a difficult feeling to let go of, especially if you believe your anger is warranted. Is it worth the cortisol, is the finest question to ask yourself?
When you’re anxious or furious, your levels of this stress hormone rise, which has bad consequences for your heart, metabolism, and immune system. In a number of studies, high cortisol levels have been linked to an increased risk of death.
Stop isolating yourself
Staying sociable can help you live longer, mostly by reducing stress and improving your immune system. Good connections keep you strong, but poor relationships put you in a bad mood and put you at risk for depression and heart attacks.
If you’re sad, have lost someone important to you, or live far away from extended family and friends, staying connected might be difficult. Even if you are in a new place, there are methods to re-engage and meet new people, such as volunteering and reaching out to individuals with similar interests through networks such as business groups and reading clubs.
Stop believing that only major changes matter
Sweeping, extreme lifestyle changes may be motivating, but they may also be too intimidating—and so transient—for regular humans. Try aiming low the next time you make a resolution to eat healthier or exercise more.
Instead of a big life overhaul, try making one modest adjustment at a time, such as getting up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to prepare a nutritious lunch for work. As the following exercise advice demonstrates, even little bursts of movement throughout the day may have a significant impact on your lifetime.
Small changes might go unnoticed at first, but they build up to large benefits over time without generating stress in your hectic schedule. A long-term, spectacular gesture is less significant than consistency. Furthermore, examining what is currently working in your daily routine might help you feel inspired and motivated to make a few minor adjustments in a healthy direction.
Stop allowing fear to keep you from living a healthy lifestyle
Conscientiousness is frequently ranked as a major, if not the most important, personality attribute that might affect your lifespan. Why? Conscientious people, on the other hand, are more likely to participate in healthy activities such as eating properly, exercising regularly, and following their physicians’ recommendations, while avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and driving too fast.
Don’t mistake being careful or meticulous for being health-obsessed, which has been related to anxiety, rage, and despair. A neurotic individual, for example, maybe concerned that he has cancer and, dreading the worse, refuses to see his doctor. A conscientious individual may still be concerned, but he or she will get evaluated or tested and treated as soon as possible.
Stop robbing yourself of a good night’s sleep
Sleep deprivation can shorten your life expectancy, and not simply because a drowsy driver is more likely to cause a vehicle accident. Sleeping too little or too much, according to epidemiological research, puts people at a higher risk of mortality.
A good night’s sleep can help you avoid stress, depression, and heart disease, as well as improve your quality of life.
You may learn to fall asleep faster and take steps to aid your sleep, such as keeping your room dark and distraction-free and keeping the temperature cold. Meditation exercises can help set the tone for a restful night’s sleep, and a low-cost noise machine can provide soothing noises.
If you’re still having difficulties falling or staying asleep, talk to your doctor for more advice.
Put an end to your anxiety
Stress, like anger, takes a toll on your health and may even shorten your life. You may enhance your health and quality of life in the long run by attempting to lessen stress.
De-stressing techniques include journaling or keeping a diary, meditation (which has several health advantages), and learning to relax. Even a few minutes of meditation a day—even at your desk—can provide your brain with the anxiety and tension relief it requires.
Stop blaming (or relying on) your genes
If your parents, grandparents, or other family members have lived into their nineties or beyond, it’s possible that you will as well, but don’t put too much stock in it. Genetics may account for just approximately a third of your lifespan potential, according to studies done on twins in Scandinavia.
This is great news for those of us who don’t have that kind of ancestry. Diet, exercise, toxicity exposure, stress, frequent medical examinations, and even your social ties all have a part in how long you live. Why waste your time worrying about genetics you can’t change when you might be focusing on anything else?