Mosquitos are always such a nuisance for people, particularly those who are traveling outdoors. OFF! ®, one of SC Johnson’s leading pest control brands, has developed a new tool called OFF!Cast Mosquito Forecast.
OFF!Cast Mosquito Forecast can predict the local mosquito activity anywhere across the US up to seven days in advance based on mosquito biology. This tool was created using an algorithm co-developed by SC Johnson Institute of Insect Science for Family Health in partnership with Google Cloud and Climate Engine.
With OFF!Cast, people can now get their local mosquito forecast as easily as their local weather forecast. This can help people who are looking to travel or to do any outdoor
activities across the US (except for Alaska and Hawaii which will be ready soon), to prepare and plan ahead.
Checking the forecast in [Region] is a no sweat! Follow the below steps to check the forecast in the area you are planning to go out:
1. Go to the Off!Cast Mosquito tool here –

2. Key in your zip code in the pop-up window displayed. Voila! Now, you will be able to see the prediction for the next seven days in the given area.

OFF!Cast Mosquito Forecast tool gives you a result based on a five-level scale ranging from low to severe which can be seen in the below image.

- Low/Green – You’re safe to go outside and enjoy the outdoors. Is it possible there might be a mosquito lurking about? Sure, but the odds are low and they’re probably not very active.
- Medium/Yellow – You don’t have to be super concerned – yet. But the conditions are right for some mosquitoes to come out. If you are the cautious type, then using some mosquito protection is a good idea.
- High/Orange – The mosquitoes are out and you will want to protect yourself. The weather is warm and wet enough for mosquitoes to become active and look for a yummy meal. Don’t be that meal – protect yourself.
- Very High/Red – Time to be even more careful because the prime conditions for mosquitoes have been in place for several days – likely resulting in even more mosquito activity. Protect yourself before you go outside, and bring protection with you just in case you need to re-apply.
- Severe/Dark Red – Conditions have been perfect for (at least) the previous 14 days for mosquitoes to become active and breed, which means there are likely to be more of them. Be sure to protect yourself before you leave the house and remember to re-apply protection the longer you are outside; ideally every couple of hours.
The importance of OFF!Cast Mosquito Forecast has been recently recognized by some renowned news publications and media companies such as CNET, Fast Company, SiliconANGLE, News 19, and Natureworld news.