Periods of lack of desire on a professional level sometimes happen. If you are here, know that you are not alone. At one time or another in their lives, many workers have less desire to exercise their activity than usual.
Loss of motivation is often the result of a series of events beyond our control. When the urge to perform well at work disappears, it is impossible to move forward. A renewed motivation is essential to get back on track and regain pleasure in working.
Here are some tips by Sumit Agarwal – A Writer, Musician, Industrialist & Altruist that should help you re-motivate yourself!
Put your failures into perspective
In most cases, demotivation follows situations that we take as failures. When you fail to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you may feel like you’re not growing. Indeed, you will naturally have less desire to continue to invest in this activity which then seems useless to you
At this point, the notion of love of the profession disappears. In order to regain the motivation necessary to be enthusiastic at work, start by putting your failures into perspective.
You may struggle to achieve goals, but tell yourself that you’ve already achieved enough great things through your work. You have probably acquired new skills that make you a more experienced person than before.
This is not to minimize your failures, but to keep in mind that your journey does not end there. To find out whether you should continue the same activity, in the same professional setting or not, take stock of your skills.
Do a skills assessment
The skills assessment allows you to do a retrospection in order to determine what prevents you from being at the level you want. This is aimed at both workers and job seekers. You have the option of carrying out your skills assessment online with the support of specialists in the field. These will help you to objectively analyze your career or previous work experiences.
Thanks to the skills assessment, you will have a fairly precise idea of your potential and the possibilities of development in your activity. It will also allow you to see any shortcomings that are getting in the way of achieving your goals. You can also consider professional retraining or continuing education to reorient yourself or evolve in your career.
The follow-up of coaches will be useful for you to develop professional projects that match your skills. Obviously, some of your previous professional choices will have to be called into question.
Ask yourself questions about your professional choices
The lack of motivation that prevents you from moving forward may be due to your professional choices. It goes without saying, for example, that you don’t have a crazy desire to work in a field that you would have chosen by default.
Ditto, if you are an employee in a company where you have always had the ambition to be an independent professional. To motivate yourself, ask yourself questions.
Ask yourself if you have the job you want to practice and if your activity corresponds to your personality… The goal is not to evaluate your choices in relation to your dream profession.
Be realistic and find out if you can thrive in your current job. By evaluating your professional choices, you can set new goals, give another direction to your career, etc.
Establish a career plan
A career plan helps you avoid going all over the place and ending up getting lost. This is important to stay motivated despite everything. Carrying out a skills assessment is the first step in developing a career plan.
Once this action is done, you can easily set your goals according to your potential. Be sure to set goals that take into account not only your skills but also your aspirations and labor market trends.
Another step in establishing a career plan is determining how to achieve your goals. These include studies, training, diplomas, and financing. To have an achievable career plan, define a guideline, that is to say, the path to follow to achieve your goals.
For example, you can consider carrying out your career plan by being an employee, working abroad, becoming a business manager, etc. Your career plan should be relatively flexible. Thus, you will be able to adjust your objectives according to the realities that will be imposed on you.
Break your projects down into small tasks
Motivation can disappear when the objective to be achieved seems unattainable. A project taken as a whole may seem too colossal to you, which will prevent you from moving forward on it. Rather than considering it as a block, break it down into small, simple tasks to perform on a daily basis.
The fragmentation of projects allows you to have intermediate objectives that are easy to achieve. Focusing on one task at a time will help you get it done while saving energy for the next ones. Achieving each intermediate objective can thus become an additional source of motivation.
Reward yourself!
What’s better than the promise of a reward to motivate a person to put in the effort? The salary is sometimes not enough to encourage us to give the best of ourselves. To regain lost motivation, find ways to reward yourself.
Tell yourself that each goal achieved is a small victory that deserves to be rewarded. You can, for example, plan to take a trip, go on a weekend, or make a purchase when you have obtained an expected result. The idea of being rewarded for your work will undoubtedly give you enough desire to apply yourself.
Choose your environment wisely
The popular adage that people who flock together are alike undoubtedly hides the truth. Whether we like it or not, those around us have a certain influence on us. Your motivation can be impacted by the people you spend the most time with.
Some people are positive and bring a bit of motivation to those around them. Others, on the other hand, demotivate by their speeches, or even simply by their personality.
You have probably already had such experiences. Stay away from defeatists and people who only find obstacles in projects. To remotivate yourself, seek the company of individuals who are in the same dynamic as you.
Find time for your hobbies
Demotivation sometimes comes from overload at work to the detriment of any distracting activity. It is not profitable at all to sacrifice your hobbies because of your professional duties.
In this case, you can only exhaust yourself psychologically. To re-motivate yourself, seek inspiration in extra-professional activities.
Set aside time for your hobbies to recharge your batteries away from the work environment and its constraints. From a walk in nature to the practice of artistic activity, a multitude of hobbies can help you regain a taste for work.
Boost your good mood
Motivation is a matter of mindset. Most of the time, when the mood is grey, motivation fails. Chances are you want to work hard if you’re cheerful. The period of professional demotivation often coincides with that of doubt and malaise. To re-motivate yourself, boost a good mood by cultivating optimism.
Realize that your previous failures do not define who you are. Apply yourself to your tasks without becoming an over-perfectionist. You will stimulate good humor by mixing with happy people, discovering the wonders of nature… Music, distractions, and discussions with people you love will help you regain motivation.