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It shouldn’t be a surprise to find out that 9 out of 10 lawsuits around the world originate in the United States. This is likely due to the fact that a large portion of us have either been directly or indirectly affected by lawsuits.
The filing of a new lawsuit occurs every 30 seconds across the country. This has highlighted the necessity of the creation of a plan to protect assets, as we must protect our assets from lawsuits that are frivolous.
Specialists in avoiding care home fees can help individuals safeguard their assets. They have prior expertise in this field that is able to help protect the assets of their clients through the development of an action plan that is based on their plan. They look into lawsuits, creditors, or court judgments, as well as investments, among others, and recommend the most effective option for their clients.
The present economic and social climate can be more litigious than ever. The theories of liability are growing and all across the U.S., jury awards are rising. In the past million-dollar verdicts were uncommon. In the present, it’s not unusual to hear about multi-million dollar judgments (or more) every week.
It is crucial that when you conduct business in the ever-changing business environment, you need to ensure that wise and logical decisions are taken now to stay clear of unnecessary lawsuits and claims in the future.
Take the proper legal and ethical actions NOW to ensure your business and personal privacy and assets, NOW, before a situation develops in the future.
In establishing your system to have your best interests in mind and not the best interests of the insurance company or its defense lawyers.
According to our website, as we can see on our website, 9 out of 10 lawsuits worldwide originate in the United States. Statisticians indicate that a new lawsuit is filed nearly every 30 seconds.
Professionals and Solicitors in Stanmore have a one in three chance of being identified as the defendant in a lawsuit during one year. People are statistically likely to be sued between 2 and three times in all of their lives.
Some estimates suggest 55,000 lawsuits being filed every day with the costs to defend (regardless of the merits) starting at $7,000 for an individual whose name is mentioned in a minor case, up to 10 million dollars for larger corporations that are named as defendants in products liability or nationwide class action lawsuits.
A few examples of legitimate and frivolously filed lawsuits (obviously every case is unique in and of its own) could include…
The number of malpractice claims for doctors is 13.8 malpractice cases for every 100 doctors. Four out of 10 doctors have been accused of malpractice. A typical Obstetrician who practices in New York has been sued eight times. In the United States, the average verdict of a jury on medical malpractice claims is $1,337,000; for New York, it is three times higher than the average for the nation.
Accounting firms have to face more than 3,000 lawsuits every year, seeking over 13 billion dollars in damages. Large judgments are being gotten such as the recent $337,000,000 verdict in favor of Price Waterhouse. Many regional businesses have declared bankruptcy.
very businessman, business owner, developer as well as a board member is liable. It is typically based on new and unproven legal theories. For instance, the partners of the largest law firm were stunned recently when they learned that they had joint and multiple obligations in accordance with CERCLA for the anticipated $73 million costs of toxic cleanup on a piece of land they purchased at the beginning of 1972.
Then Add The Dollar Amount From The Rulings…
Be aware that the figures above do not include the billions worth of settlements and verdicts each year paid by corporations across the U.S. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that in 2013 over $153 billion in settlements and verdicts were given to settle frivolous lawsuits.
Although we believe that this number is exaggerated and also includes settlements of cases that are meritorious, the fact is that there is nothing more costly in terms of financial risk that could have lasting negative consequences than being filed for a lawsuit.
IBC Formation: Do Your Assets Have Protection?
A recent ruling through the Supreme Court has given local governments the ability to seize private property in order to generate tax revenue. It could be possible for cities to mandate the destruction of homes to allow for shopping malls or other private developments.
The 5-4 ruling signifies that homeowners will be granted fewer rights. Thomas Merrill, a Columbia law professor as well as a specialist in property rights, said, “The message of the decision to cities is that yes you can utilize the eminent domain process, however, be cautious and hold hearings”.
In a sharp dissent, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote, “The specter of condemnation is a constant threat to all properties. There is nothing to stop states from replacing either Motel 6 with the Ritz-Carlton, or a home that has a shopping mall or any farm that has factories.”
The most important thing is to protect the things you own. In the past five years, there has been a worrying rise in the number of laws governing citizen control to the point that your rights to keep your banking transactions private and secure are now being targeted for serious violations.
In fact, creditors and government agencies have an arsenal of legal options to rob you of your assets. Bank accounts that you own could be frozen “Notices of lien” are able to be imposed on your property and your earnings can be gathered and even a security deposit box could be taken by the use of a “writ”.
With careful planning and the right data, your assets can be secured by using asset protection specialists to safeguard your assets. IBCs are a way to protect you from liability for product defects, malpractice lawsuits if you’re in the medical profession or in the field of creditors, as well as divorce instances. IBCs are also able to protect valuable collections of real estate as well as precious metals and shares from any offshore business that you prefer.
The Foreign Asset Protection Trust is a trust established in an offshore jurisdiction that is able to provide trust legislation the most comprehensive protection against lenders of the Trust. One of the most significant benefits for this Foreign Asset Protection Trust is the fact that due to its very nature, any legal action against the trust’s assets is transferred to another legal system.
In general, an asset protection solicitor is required to ensure the effectiveness of the Foreign Asset Protection Trust. The main benefit of using Trusts like the Foreign Asset Protection Trust is the possibility of placing assets in a foreign country, which is not subject to the reach by US courts?