In case your restaurant is not performing how you expected, you are surely disappointed and looking for a way to change things around. Luckily, there are many approaches you can opt for in order to take your business to the next level. Keep on reading for some suggestions.
1. Rethink your menu
You’ve probably done a lot of research before you started your food business to see what is popular in the area and you’ve surely hired the right chefs. With that in mind, perhaps your menu is confusing to your customers. For example, is the name easy to read and understand? Do you list all the ingredients for each of the dishes on the menu? Is the price listed? Consider asking your current customers how they’ve found the menu and if everything was clear. Ask for suggestions on how you can improve it.
2. Consider upselling
On the other hand, if certain dishes on your menu are not getting people interested, you can try the upselling method. This means that your staff will be convincing customers to buy more items or upgrade their current purchase. For instance, you can offer deals that include a drink for a much lower price or sides that people wouldn’t normally order because they might be a bit more expensive. You can also give samples to customers to see if they would like something they haven’t tried before.
3. Reward your customers
Depending on the size of your restaurant, you might notice your regulars straight away. Remembering their order is a great way to connect but if you welcome many guests, you might not be able to keep up. In that case, you can try offering loyalty cards or coupons that will reward your customers. For example, every fifth or tenth meal can have a discount or be free.
4. Branch out
Something else you can consider is branching out. We are all aware of the current situation in the world and dining inside is simply not a possibility everywhere. If your restaurant is suffering due to the global pandemic, you can consider offering other services such as home delivery or in-store pick-ups. While having your own delivery fleet can be very expensive, you might be able to manage if you don’t receive too many daily orders. Alternatively, you can use Postmates, Grubhub, and other similar services. For pick-ups, have an area where people can easily get their order without waiting.
5. Renovate your premises
Although it might seem odd, people will not eat in your restaurant regardless of how good your food is if they don’t like the atmosphere in it. So, do a survey about what people think about your current design and what you should change. If you have a specific theme, try to bring it closer to your intended customers. Even if you’re going for a retro feel in your restaurant, you don’t want things to be old, dusty, and worn-out. Overall, make it more pleasant by introducing greenery and comfy seating options, for instance.
6. Bring in entertainment
In certain cases, you might have to think about creating an experience for your customers. Sometimes, to stand out when it comes to entertainment, you will have to think outside of the box. While adding TVs and live music could be all that you need to attract an audience, you might have to consider inviting a caricaturist to work in your restaurant a few nights a week, holding poetry nights, or organizing stand-up events.
7. Offer Wi-Fi
Yes, there are restaurants that don’t have Wi-Fi as a way of encouraging people to socialize. But, this is not always a great approach. Offering your customers free Wi-Fi means that they can promote you on social media, celebrate big news with friends who are away while not using up all their mobile data, and use various useful apps that require internet access. It’s not a big deal for you but your customers will surely appreciate it and keep coming back.
8. Update your kitchen
However, it is not just your customers you have to think about. You should also ensure your staff has a work environment that suits them. From investing in quality equipment like ranges and fridges to installing a comfortable anti slip mat in the kitchen, there are many ways how you can help your employees be more secure and more productive in the workplace. The best approach here is asking them what you can do for them and then finding a place for it in the budget.
9. Introduce an app
To upgrade your business, you can also find a developer that can help you introduce an app that will allow your customers to easily order their meals. Many people hate ordering over the phone and opening a website can sometimes take too long. Developing an app that makes it easy to select a meal, pay for it and track it until delivery can give you a whole new audience. Plus, you can also use an app in the restaurant to take the pressure off your staff and stay on top of which table ordered what and at what time.
10. Invest in marketing
Finally, you have surely implemented a marketing strategy to promote your restaurant business. However, if you’ve noticed that it’s not working as expected, it’s time to adjust your approach. From turning to email and social media marketing to utilizing offline methods like billboards and radio ads, there are many things you can try until you find the right ones that will attract your target audience.
Changing your restaurant’s approach to business, revamping your premises, introducing an app, and tweaking your marketing strategy are all great methods that can help you upgrade your company. Keep them in mind if you’re looking to improve your restaurant business.