Grinding and clenching of the teeth during sleep is called bruxism. This can be an unpleasant condition causing damage to the teeth, jaw, and muscles of the head, face, and neck.
Grinding and clenching during sleep can be associated with other medical conditions such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or occlusal trauma.
Bruxism is extremely common in the United States, affecting about 7 million Americans. More than half of the population grinds their teeth at some point in their life and about a quarter grinds their teeth regularly. This can cause extensive damage to your gums, jaw joints, and teeth. Even if you’re not suffering from TMJ disorder or clenching your teeth all day long, grinding them at night can be an issue as well. The best way to prevent these issues is by wearing a nightguard to sleep.
Here are the top benefits of wearing a nightguard:
What is a mouth night guard?
A night guard is a type of dental appliance worn while sleeping to protect the teeth and surrounding tissues. They cover the upper and lower teeth and are typically made of a plastic material that’s comfortable enough to wear overnight. The most ordinary type of night guard is made out of thermoplastic material and has an acrylic finish to protect against stains and discoloration.
You will avoid tooth damage
The teeth are not only vital for eating, but also for speaking and singing. Teeth are also very important in the smile. Possessing a healthy set of teeth is crucial to your overall health and wellness. When you lose your teeth, it can be detrimental not only to your appearance but to your quality of life.
Wear a nightguard when you sleep at night. If you’re constantly grinding your teeth at night without realizing it, wearing a mouth guard during the night will protect against tooth damage and save money on expensive dental work in the future.
Use a mouthguard during sports. If you play contact sports or participate in activities where there is a risk of injury to your face, mouthguards can protect against tooth damage and chipping or cracking of the front teeth.
Constant pain relief
Wearing a night guard can alleviate pain, headaches, and tooth sensitivity that happens when you grind or clench your teeth during sleep. Plus, if you wear a nightguard to bed every night, it can help prevent these problems from happening at all. This will give you more of a chance to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
You will sleep better
If you’re suffering from bruxism, or clenching and grinding your teeth in your sleep, you might be waking up with headaches and jaw tension after just a few hours. A night guard is designed to keep your teeth from touching while you sleep so that your muscles don’t have as much reason to clench. This gives you the chance to rest without suffering from muscle pain or headaches caused by clenching. More undisturbed sleep can even lead to improved mood and productivity during the day, since getting less sleep can make it harder for people to concentrate on tasks at work or school.
Getting a good night’s rest isn’t all that wearers of night guards enjoy, either. If you encounter these problems, it is worth visiting the dentist and asking for a mouth guard for sleeping. A study published in Sleep Health found that those who wore their guards while they slept suffered fewer symptoms of insomnia.
A more attractive smile
Wearing a nightguard might be able to stop or slow down the tooth decay process caused by grinding on hard surfaces such as your teeth or fingernails. It could even repair the damage done by grinding on those hard surfaces if you start wearing one early enough.
Protection against excessive pressure
A night guard is particularly helpful if you wear braces at night or during the day. Braces create a lot of tension on your teeth, and any grinding or clenching could cause damage to your teeth or gums. Wearing a nightguard to sleep can help protect your smile from such damage by cushioning your teeth from excess pressure.
Nightguards are also essential for anyone who suffers from bruxism. This condition is caused by stress and anxiety, and it causes people to grind their teeth no matter where they are or what they’re doing. This can cause serious damage to your teeth, which is why wearing a nightguard to sleep is so important. It helps relieve some of the tension that causes people to grind their teeth in the first place.
Prevents tooth movement
Anyone who wears braces and has experienced the pain of orthodontic treatment will understand why night guards are so important. Your teeth are subjected to a great deal of pressure throughout the day, and when you’re sleeping, they can shift into positions they shouldn’t be in. This can cause pain and discomfort when you wake up. By wearing a nightguard, you reduce the chance that your teeth will shift while you’re asleep, helping to prevent pain and discomfort.
Prevents headaches
Most of us clench our teeth in response to stress. A lot of people grind their teeth unconsciously and don’t even know it. If they’re lucky, they can “catch” themselves when they’re clenching and work to stop the habit before it causes any irritation. But for others, most of their grinding goes on during their sleep. And they cannot break the habit since they’re not awake to notice it.
Grinding your teeth while you sleep can bring you headaches. Excessive clenching of your teeth can cause jaw aches, earaches, and neck pains. Wearing a nightguard helps prevent these issues.
Less snoring
Snoring is a common sleep disorder, affecting virtually half of the adult population. Most snoring is caused by the sensitive tissue in your throat vibrating against your upper airway. But grinding or clenching your teeth also can contribute to snoring. The most common symptom of snoring is excessive daytime sleepiness, which can make it difficult to focus or complete tasks at work or school. Snoring also can cause your bed partner to suffer from sleep deprivation and be at a higher risk for hypertension and heart disease. Because of its association with chronic health problems, even moderate snoring may require treatment.
When you grind or clench your teeth at night, your jaw muscles and facial bones tighten up. This causes the tissues in your throat to vibrate against each other and leads to snoring. Wearing a mouth guard at night can help reduce this muscle tension, which can stop you from grinding and clenching your teeth throughout the night.
To sum up, when you wear a nightguard, all the pressure that is put on your teeth is absorbed by the night guard. When you press the Night Guard instead of your teeth and jaw, all the pressure is taken by the Night Guard – and in fact, it prevents severe pain. So, visit your dentist and get your mouthguard for sleeping.