With the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, many of us have had no choice but to get comfortable working from home. But as time goes by, it’s easier to see the many more advantages to working from home aside from just limiting the spread of the virus. Working from home gives you the ability to organize your schedule more freely and stick to your own goals.
But working from home and learning from home are different, in that one requires a ton more motivation. So how do you earn an education from home successfully? Here are some tips for learning at home as a college student.
1. Maintain your Workspace
One of the best ways to stay productive and motivated while learning from home is by having a dedicated workspace for learning. Instead of laying on the couch or leaning up in bed to watch class lectures, it’ll be a ton more productive to sit up at a desk or table and take notes. Not only should you have a dedicated space at a desk or table for working, but you’ll also want your working space to be free from distractions. Make sure there aren’t any noisy TVs or distracting windows in the same room as your learning space.
You’ll want the space to look organized as well. Keep the background tidy for video calls on your laptop, and keep all of your learning supplies handy and within reach. Consider turning off your phone or keeping it to the side so as to not distract you with notifications. Also, it may be helpful to change the place you work every now and then, like going to the coffee shop or the library to complete assignments. This will refresh your mind and keep you motivated.
2. Stay Organized
It’s important that you keep both your work and your workspace organized as well. To organize your work itself, plan everything out and stick to that schedule. You can organize your workspace by setting up a designated area for all of your supplies. Keep each of your classes separated in folders and with the right textbooks. And keep highlighters, pens, and writing utensils handy to make sure you can easily write notes and comments on your work.
3. Stick to a Schedule
Sticking to a schedule is important to ensure that you complete all of your assignments on time without having to cram work in. To organize your work, make sure you have a planner or a separate book to schedule and plan out both short-term and long-term deadlines. For short-term deadlines, create a plan for each day and make sure you include several breaks to allow your brain time to rest and recuperate. For long-term deadlines, plan out your weeks and months to prevent yourself from having to scramble to finish assignments in a timely manner.
4. Be Prepared
Throughout your whole college education, you’ll need to stay motivated and prepared for each class. This can be a bit more difficult when trying to stay prepared at home because it requires that you keep a good connection and have reliable equipment. That being said, you’ll need a good laptop, iPad, or another reliable technological device that can connect you to the school’s website. Aside from the devices that you’ll need, you should make sure you’re working in an environment that has a good wifi connection. You don’t want to have any lagging connections or glitches when you have deadlines to complete.
It’s important that you have devices compatible with the software you’re required to download at school as well. There may also be other software, like online IDE, that is a great help for any college student learning how to code. Other than the devices and wifi connection, you’ll also need to be prepared with the right school supplies. Even though you won’t be physically in school, having a book bag with all the right folders, papers, binders, and textbooks will benefit you if you’re planning on studying at libraries or coffee shops.
5. Establish Communication
Lastly, it’s important that you keep in strong contact with your instructor, classmates, and other college employees. You shouldn’t have to complete your college education alone with all of the resources you have available. Don’t hesitate to contact your professors with questions or concerns about assignments. Consider chatting with classmates over Zoom or Skype to problem solve and discuss your classes. And get comfortable with communicating your concerns at the school altogether.
Overall, successfully completing a four-year degree online can be one of the most challenging tasks. But with dedication and the right knowledge, you can have the motivation and expertise to finish your degree and start working. Whether from home or at school, make sure you’re organized and always stay within a schedule.